Presenting at Conferences & Publishing Research – course with a scholar from the United States

The Center for American Studies would like to invite you to participate in an intense weekend course with an American native speaker & scholar, James M. Donovan (Director of the University of Kentucky College of Law Alvin E. Evans Law Library) titled „Presenting at Conferences & Publishing Research Made Easy”.

There are two skills every scholar needs to master: presenting and publishing. 

While presenting at conferences is a verbal skill and publishing relies on writing skills, they are two sides of the same coin: academic communication, i.e., presenting our research to the academic world.

The first part of the course will be dedicated to the most important types of publications and fast & effective methods of writing each of them.

During the second part of the course, you will learn how to speak like a professional scholar at the most prestigious domestic and international conferences. 

On top of that, volunteers will be engaged in useful practical exercises!

The course takes place on October 25-26 (Friday-Saturday), 2024 on Zoom.

Professor Donovan will be connecting with us in real-time from the United States.

Because the course is led by an open-minded interdisciplinary American scholar – James Donovan – which is a guarantee of the course being ideal to all academics, regardless of discipline. 

Moreover, the course is synchronous. The instructor will make every effort to make the course intuitive and understandable to non-native English speakers. Any doubts and complicated terms will be clarified in real time during the course.


James Donovan
James Donovan

Professor James M. Donovan is a professor of law and Director of the University of Kentucky College of Law Alvin E. Evans Law Library. Donovan holds degrees in six (!) disciplines: Humanities/Greek & Latin, Philosophy, Library and Information Science, Anthropology and Law.

As an interdisciplinary scholar and professor, Donovan teaches advanced legal research, internet law, and legal anthropology. Previously, he worked at the University of Georgia School of Law Library and the Tulane University Law School.

Professor Donovan published several well-received books, such as “Legal Anthropology: An Introduction” (AltaMira Press, 2008), and “Anthropology & Law” (Berghahn, 2003). He also served as editor-in-chief of the prestigious AALL publication “Sexual Orientation and the Law”

Professor Donovan published his interdisciplinary work in the areas of sexual orientation law, religion, and the law, and law as a species of regulatory social in a number of law reviews and peer-reviewed journals. 

Professor Donovan’s friendly and approachable way of teaching will make the course understandable by non-native speakers of English.

Every participant of the course will receive a package of free materials for self-study of Academic English.

The course is officially certified.


You will be awarded an official digital certificate signed by the Center for American Studies' President and Director of Academic Affairs. You may then print the certificate at home, use it to apply for various academic positions, or simply post it to your LinkedIn or other professional channels.

The certificate contains the number of training hours and may be used to fulfill your duty of professional development mandated by your bar association, trade chamber, or employer.

❗️For participants registered in the 1st enrollment pool (until midnight on October 20, 2024) the cost of participation is 79 EUR*. ❗️

For participants registered in the 2nd enrollment pool (until midnight on October 22, 2024), the cost of participation is 119 EUR.

Link for easy electronic & card payments:

The fee can be also made directly to our bank account in EUR:

Center For American Studies

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Title of the transfer: Presenting in English course

[Pick OUR for transfer charges. You are responsible for the wire transfer costs (if any occur)].

*The condition for participation in a given pool of enrollment is registering and paying the course fee within the specified deadline.

Please send all of your questions to the Course Coordinator, Mrs. Rita Tomala at [email protected]

See you online!


24.10.2024 – final deadline

79.00 EUR 1st enrollment pool until 20.10.2024
119.00 EUR 2nd enrollment pool until 22.10.2024
169.00 EUR 3rd enrollment pool until 24.10.2024

Don’t wait. The number of spots is limited!

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