Center for American Studies is an entity conducting scientific activity in an independent and continuous manner within the meaning of Article 7, paragraph 1, item 8 of the Law System of Higher Education and Science.
We conduct basic research understood as empirical or theoretical work aimed primarily at acquiring new knowledge about the foundations of phenomena and observable facts without aiming at direct commercial application. We publish scientific research in the form of scientific monographs, as well as organize scientific conferences and congresses. And on top of that, we implement courses and training with world-class scientists and professionals (graduates of such universities as Harvard, Princeton and Yale).
Our activities also include development work, which is an activity involving the acquisition, combination, formation and use of currently available knowledge and skills, including in the field of IT tools or software, for production planning and the design and creation of changed, improved or new products, processes or services (excluding activities involving routine and periodic changes made to them, even if such changes are improvements).