2nd International Congress of Dietetics

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Center for Medical Studies together with the Center for American & European Studies are honored to invite you to take part in the 2nd International Congress of Dietetics.


Sobota 7 Czerwiec 2025
08:00 - 14:00


Microsoft Teams

Termin Zgłoszeń


Termin Zgłoszeń



The main theme of the Congress is a cross-sectional discussion of the achievements and challenges of dietetics – field of medicine dealing with the foundation of healthy nutrition, which – along with proper lifestyle – are the best way to avoid civilization diseases.

The Congress is the best occasion to exchange knowledge with young and experienced doctors specializing in gastroenterology and dietetics.

As it is commonly known, healthy nutrition is the foundation of a healthy body and mind. The Congress will be a source of important and interesting information for doctors of every specialization (and laymen as audience)

Proposed (sample) thematic areas of your conference presentation:

  • Diet for cancer patients
  • Dietary management in liver and biliary tract diseases
  • Food allergies and intolerances in dietary management
  • Planning an individual diet for an underweight / obese patient
  • Dietetics in sport
  • Diet for a patient with inflammatory bowel disease
  • Dietary management in diabetes of l/ll type
  • Diet during preoperative preparation of the patient
  • Metabolic surgery

We encourage you to address these problems and to conceptualize their upcoming solutions. Importantly, the thematic areas mentioned above are to be treated only as examples. We strongly encourage you to go beyond them.

Presentations may be based on your own or third-party research (review literature and research of others), as well as take the form of posters or case-studies.

We accept presentations in Polish and English.

Termin Zgłoszeń


Termin Zgłoszeń


Termin Zgłoszeń

Udział czynny: 26/05/2025
Udział bierny: 30/05/2025

W pigułce

7 Czerwiec 2025

08:00 - 14:00

Platforma Microsoft Teams

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