Ми занадто добре знаємо цей стрес. Ось чому ми не дозволимо йому завадити вам здобути роботу чи вступити до університету мрії. Використовуючи перевірені методи, ми навчимо вас, як стати переконливим співбесідником, незалежно від посади, на яку ви претендуєте.
90 хвилин | До 14:00 (CET) | Після 14:00 (CET) |
2 (або більше) зустрічей | 1391 UAH / 90 хвилин | 1539 UAH / 90 хвилин |
1 зустріч | 1539 UAH | 1699 UAH |
По неділях | 1699 UAH | 1849 UAH |
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*Реєстрація та оплата резервує час консультанта. Оплата не повертається у разі відсутності або відмови клієнта.
Specialization: Business Interviews
Camilla Higgins (USA) has graduated from the prestigious George Mason University. She is a professional English teacher with long experience of work with individual clients, schools and companies. She has gained experience in recruiting from both sides of the aisle. Nothing can surprise her.
Camilla is an expert in all kinds of international work environments and Business English. If you apply for a job at a foreign company, an international corporation, or a position which requires a certain level of English, Camilla will be your best choice.
Specialization: Academic Interviews
J. Patrick Higgins is an interdisciplinary scholar and English instructor. He specializes in topics in the fields of law, economics, history, sociology, philosophy, and political science. He has degrees in economics and sociology from George Mason University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is currently involved with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the the University of Lodz.
Academia is Patrick’s natural habitat. If you are applying for an academic job or Ph.D. program, and don’t know how to stand out in the sea of other candidates, Patrick will be your best choice.