Therapeutic Empathy:  Contemporary Theories and Applications

The Center for American Studies would like to invite you to participate in a course with an experienced American psychologist – professor Shannon McIntyre – titled “Therapeutic Empathy: Contemporary Theories and Applications”.

This workshop will explore the topic of therapeutic empathy in terms of theory and praxis.

In the past, therapeutic empathy has often been assumed to be a unidimensional state or trait.

In line with recent advancements in relational psychotherapy, attachment, and social neuroscience, this course alternatively emphasizes a view of therapeutic empathy as a complex dialectical process.  

You will have the opportunity to reflect on your own ability to engage in the empathic process. 

By considering your own attachment history, as well as clinical vignettes that demonstrate different forms of empathic imbalances, you will learn to identify your own personal strengths and vulnerabilities. 

You will complete the course with knowledge of therapeutic empathy, and awareness of its role in one’s work.     

The course takes place on Friday, November 25, 2024 on the intuitive Zoom platform.

This course will strongly emphasize the importance of the relationship, and its centrality to our work as psychologists.

👉You will explore the qualities that influence people’s behavior in various relationships, and capacity to navigate rupture repair.

👉You will learn to identify people’s interpersonal biases and blind spots, and their influence on capacity for therapeutic empathy.


Shannon McIntyre
Shannon McIntyre

Dr. Shannon McIntyre is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Antioch University New England. She recently completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Program for Psychotherapy at Cambridge Health Alliance, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School, where she provided psychodynamic treatment to adult patients. Dr. McIntyre also interned at Pennsylvania Hospital, providing individual therapy to patients in a community-based clinic and to patients in palliative care. She earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University in Brooklyn and her undergraduate degree at the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. McIntyre is broadly interested in adult development from attachment-based and psychoanalytic perspectives, as well as psychotherapy process and outcome. Initially, her research interests were geared toward better understanding how stigmatization impacts identity formation in women. More recently, however, Dr. McIntyre has been focused on the therapist characteristics that facilitate and/or inhibit therapeutic empathy. She has consequently presented at national conferences and co-authored articles related to the empathic process.

In addition to academic work, Dr. McIntyre maintains a private practice with adult patients. Her therapeutic orientation embraces the principles of humanistic psychology, and it is primarily rooted in psychodynamic thinking and case conceptualization.

All of our courses are certified. 

Upon the completion of the course, you will be awarded an official digital certificate signed by the CFAS President and Director of Academic Affairs. You may then print the certificate​ at home, use it to apply for various academic positions, or simply post it to your LinkedIn or other professional channels​.

The certificate shows the number of hours so you may use it to satisfy your Continuing Education requirements as well.

The fee can be also made directly to our bank account in EUR:

Center for American & European Studies

PL05 2530 0008 2022 1070 0570 0002



Title of the transfer: TE Psychology English – <name and surname>

[Pick the OUR option for transfer charges. You are responsible for the wire transfer costs (if any occur)].


*The condition for participation in a given pool of enrollment is registering and paying the course fee within the specified deadline.

Please send all of your questions to the Course Coordinator, Ms. Fatma Mejri at [email protected]

Mrs. Mejri will be happy to help.

See you online!


07.11.2024 – final deadline (дедлайн подачі заявки)

1799.00 UAH реєстрація у першому пулі 02.11.2024
2599.00 UAH реєстрація у другому пулі 05.11.2024
3799.00 UAH реєстрація у третьому пулі 07.11.2024

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