The Center for American Studies invites you to participate in a course with an experienced American attorney and alumna of Harvard Law School, E. Tracy Uche, titled “Drafting IT Contracts That Work”.
We live in a very technologically evolving world.
The ability to draft information technology and software development contracts will advance your legal career and will help you better serve clients from not only from the IT sector but also other areas of business where the use of advanced software and technology is prevalent (e-commerce, big data, privacy compliance, crypto-assets, e-banking, fin-tech, and many more).
While the course is aimed at teaching you drafting and terminology in the context of IT contracts written in English, universal skills gained during the course will also make you better at drafting such contracts in your own language.
The course takes place in real time on April 12 (Saturday), 2024 between 12.30-16.00 pm (CET – Berlin/Rome/Prague/Warsaw time) online on Zoom.
This course will equip you with the critical skills necessary to draft IT contracts on behalf of your clients – regardless of their geographical location.
You will learn:
✅The Defined Terms which constitute the core building blocks of every IT contract.
✅The substantive provisions that are fundamental to securing your client's interests, including especially intellectual property rights.
✅The balance of negotiations and risk allocation, and the process of reaching an agreement between the two sides.
✅To draft IT contracts clearly, precisely and effectively.
✅To prevent litigation and save your client's business from unnecessary losses resulting from poorly written contracts.
Ересі Трейсі Уче є випускницею Гарвардської школи права та досвідченою і енергійною адвокаткою із суто практичним підходом до права та бізнесу.
Трейсі Уче працювала в кількох юридичних фірмах світового класу, зокрема Babalakin & Co. Legal Practicioners і Templars. Зараз вона працює в Cytowski & Partners у Нью-Йорку, США, де представляє інтереси міжнародних бізнес-клієнтів і консультує у складних питаннях, пов’язаних із правом, технологіями та конфіденційністю. У портфоліо її клієнтів є великі компанії з таких секторів, як банківська справа, фінанси та цифрові послуги.
Трейсі Уче також надає загальні корпоративні послуги технологічним стартапам з питань стартапів, венчурного фінансування, інтелектуальної власності, працевлаштування та утримання працівників, питань цінних паперів, корпоративного управління, M&A та оподаткування.
Every participant will receive a set of materials that can be used as a handy resource also after the course.
All of our courses are certified.
You will be awarded an official digital certificate signed by the Center For American Studies' President. You may then print the certificate at home, use it to apply for various positions, or simply post it to your LinkedIn.
The certificate can be also used as proof of completion of a given number of hours of training (continuing education requirement) mandated by your employer, bar association, or trade chamber.
For participants registered in the 1st enrollment pool (before midnight on April 6, 2025*), the cost of participation is 99 EUR
For participants registered in the 2nd enrollment pool (before midnight on April 9, 2025*), the cost of participation is 149 EUR.
Link for easy electronic & card payments:
The fee can be also made directly to our bank account in EUR:
Center for American & European Studies
PL05 2530 0008 2022 1070 0570 0002
Transfer title: IT Contracts in English – <first and last name of the Participant>
*The condition for participation in a given pool of enrollment is registering and paying the course fee within the specified deadline.
Please send all of your questions to the Course Coordinator, Mrs. Rita Tomala at [email protected]
We will gladly help.
See you soon!